The way that we observe the world today is definitely not the same that it was in the past – even though we are aware of the technological advancement that we have gone through, it is just baffling how well it has integrated itself into our worldview, and the way that we go through life. We hardly ever need to worry about our directions when we are travelling, nor do we need to worry about communicating to people in a foreign country. But that is just the tip of the iceberg – there are so many more smartphone apps that cover and embellish every aspect of our lives! And for horse lovers such as ourselves, there are plenty of apps to choose from to improve the experience with our equine friends.
My Stable
This is your personal record of your stables that you get to carry around everywhere you go. There is an option to put in all the info you have about your horses and keep track of your activities with them. You can monitor their health, schedule their appointments with the vet, and you can also set your calendar for all the important events you have coming up, including races or exhibitions. The best thing about this app is – it is completely free for you to use!

Healthy Horse App
This app for your smartphone comes to us from the University of Minnesota, and it gives us the answer to all the specific questions that we ever have to ask regarding our horse. It takes into account the horse’s measurements, weight, length, height, girth, and the breed of the horse in order to calculate the precise amount of food, drink, or things like deworming medication that the horse needs to take. Even though an experienced horse owner should know most of these things by heart, it is a good idea to have this app on you if you are new to the world of horse keeping, or if you got a new horse that you have not yet gotten used to.
Horse Side Vet Guide
When we are taking care of our horses, we need to be prepared for everything, and to respond to any emergencies on the go. Of course, if our horse is seriously injured, only a professional should be allowed to handle it, but there is no harm in being able to assess the situation at a moment’s notice. This inexpensive app has a huge database of potential situations and issues that you might encounter with your horse, and it is created by experienced professionals to help you use it on the spot. With the ever-expanding database of information, there is hardly anything that you cannot find in there, and it can really help you understand the potential urgency of the situation, which you can then communicate to your vet if urgent care is needed.
Pocket Stable
If you are just trying to organize all of the information on your horse in one place, this is the app for you. Pocket Stable allows you to enter all the info, including vaccination dates, vet check-ups, and farrier appointments. You can set reminders and always be up to date with your scheduled events, which will make both you and your horse calm and satisfied; after all, that is the most important when it comes to the special bond that we, as humans, share with horses.